Individual Psychotherapy in Addiction Treatment

Here at LA Detox, we offer many different types of therapy including individual psychotherapy to help our patients recover fully from their substance abuse addiction. Individual therapy is offered to patients, so they can meet one-on-one with our licensed therapists about their addiction. 

This type of therapy is oftentimes used to get to the root of why the addiction happened in the first place. It allows our therapists to form a better understanding of what other treatments could be beneficial to their patients to make a full recovery.

If you believe you or someone you know has been caught in the grips of addiction, please do not hesitate to visit our site or call us for more information. We have staff on standby at all hours to ensure that all of your concerns will be addressed and the process of recovery will be started.

How to Recognize Addiction

A substance abuse addiction can be extremely hard to recognize in some people and fairly easy in others. If you believe you or someone you know has fallen victim to a substance abuse addiction, we are here to help at LA Detox. We’ve compiled a list of things to look out for if you suspect an addiction has occurred, and some of those things include:

  • Mood swings that come without warning
  • Aggressive behavior that was not there before
  • Bloodshot eyes or bags under eyes
  • Decreased awareness of appearance
  • Lack of interest in hobbies, family time or work
  • Neglecting responsibilities and relationships
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Frequent lying, stealing, etc. to get resources for buying drugs

We encourage listening to your instincts if you suspect something is off with your loved one’s behavior. Addiction affects everyone differently, so it may take time to notice any changes happening within someone you suspect to have a drug or alcohol problem. 

When is it Best to Seek Therapy?

As soon as your addiction starts interfering with your everyday schedule and relationships, it is crucial to seek out a treatment facility like ours at LA Detox. It is almost impossible to beat addiction without outside help from professionals. Our trained doctors and therapists are available to you at any time of the day if you decide to enroll in treatment here.

We understand there is a negative connotation that comes along with addiction therapy, and there are many excuses for you not to attend. There is a good chance you don’t want to even acknowledge the addiction in the first place. You might be worried about what your friends and family members may think if they find out you have an addiction disorder and are receiving treatment for it. Maybe you’re also worried financially how you’re going to cover the cost of therapy. 

Our staff at LA Detox is here to ease any worries you may have regarding your admittance into one of our programs. We’ve helped many different types of people from many walks of life receive treatment, and we believe we can help you as well.

History of Psychotherapy

It is believed that Greeks were the first to treat mental disorders, which is where the words “psycho” and “therapy” come from meaning soul and healing. Modern mental treatment facilities, or asylums, were not brought into American until the 18th century. 

By the end of the 1800s, most towns within the U.S. had asylums where they sent their mentally sick to. Very little was still known about mental disorders in these days, and violent treatments and restraints were used by doctors within these asylums to prevent patients from escaping.

It wasn’t until the late 19th century that more humane ways of treating the mentally ill were discovered. Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Wundt’s psychological research of the “talking cure” helped aid the creation of the first psychoanalysis treatments like psychotherapy. 

In the 20th and 21st centuries, many different methods of mental treatments were tested. This led to the eventual understanding that disorders are oftentimes not something we can control, and the individual therapy sessions we now know were born.

What Can Individual Therapy Help With?

Individual therapy is a safe space for you to talk with a therapist about past events that may have contributed to your addiction. It allows you to work on your mental, emotional and behavioral problems you might have left dormant for years without realizing they were causing you distress. 

Some of the things covered in your therapy sessions can include past trauma like sexual or physical abuse, eating disorders, family issues, stress, and even possible confusion about sexuality.

Our therapists understand that genetics is a very influential factor in developing addiction disorders. We will evaluate background information in your sessions to determine if there is a family history of substance abuse. This will help our team to develop a better plan of recovery for you.

There is a possibility that a coexisting mental disorder like anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder will be found once your mental state is evaluated. Because these types of disorders play a huge part in addiction, we will admit you into one of our dual-diagnosis programs. This type of program will treat both your substance abuse disorder and mental disorder at the same time.

How Psychotherapy Works

Psychotherapy uses a mixture of both Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapies (DBT) to achieve the desired results of substance abuse recovery. We use CBT techniques to teach our patients how their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings affect each other. 

We help them understand that changing one of the categories can influence the other categories positively or negatively. For example, if one of our patients decided to change the way they view their body image, they could change their destructive eating patterns that may have been associated with how they were feeling.

CBT is a way to work on short-term goals and focus on the present, whereas Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is based on CBT techniques but focuses slowly on long-term behavioral changes. DBT is used to help patients with extremely harmful emotional and behavioral issues like those with personality disorders, and it emphasizes developing healthy relationships with those around you. 

To recover fully from a substance abuse addiction, our specialists must monitor your daily progress. Our patients will have frequent check-ins with our therapists to report on how they are improving with the new CBT and DBT techniques they are being taught. This will allow us to make any adjustments or notes on how to better assist our patients during their recovery process.

Relapse Prevention

Relapsing is the act of beginning substance abuse again after going for an extended period without it. We understand there is great potential for our patients to relapse even after having a productive, changing time in our facilities. We want to do everything in our power that we can to help prevent that.

Going through therapies like individual psychotherapy provides our patients with the tools and knowledge to reenter the “real world” after they have completed our programs. We understand how necessary this is to someone who has been battling with a substance addiction for an extended period because they are not used to living a normal lifestyle. In our centers, it is a lot easier for our patients to stay on track with their sobriety. Once they complete our programs, though, we know there will be many outlets of temptation they will face. Some of those might include:

  • Being surrounded by drug and alcohol use at home or in friend groups
  • A certain environment, feeling or thought can trigger old feelings of needing the substance
  • Completing rehab, but still needing further assistance
  • Recurring depression and anxiety
  • Unemployment or lack of financial stability
  • The physical pain that may be experienced from medical conditions

Sobriety is a choice we make every day, and we believe it is crucial to have someone to lean on during this process. To prevent relapse, we offer our services at any time of day even after patients have completed treatment. Our past patients can contact their therapists and specialists, and they will answer any concerns or questions they may have. 

Contact LA Detox Today

Our LA Detox therapists have been hired specifically to provide you with therapies like psychotherapy to give you the greatest chance of a full recovery. After completing our treatment methods and graduating from our facility, we encourage you to continue to reach out if you are having trouble coping with your everyday responsibilities and relationships.

Our staff is on standby at every hour of the day to take your calls and answer any questions you may have about your addiction and how we can help. Contact LA Detox today, and we will provide you and your loved one more information on how you can use our therapy techniques to get a hold on your addiction
