PHP Rehab in Los Angeles, CA

After residential rehab, some want to continue their treatment, yet they are ready to return home. For this reason, LA Detox offers a type of outpatient program for people in this situation. Our partial hospitalization program, or PHP, in Los Angeles, California, provides high levels of treatment during the day for patients who need continued treatment.

During PHP, our patients get several hours of programming per day for 4 to 5 days each week. This program is especially great for people new to recovery from addiction.

What is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

A partial hospitalization program, also known as a PHP, is an outpatient program for mental health and substance abuse. At a PHP, a person either lives at home or in a sober living facility. Then, they attend a treatment program for several hours during the day. Most programs will last a few weeks to a month or longer. However, most PHPs do not last more than 2 months.

These programs offer additional support for those who have finished residential rehab, yet need intensive support. PHP is also great for a person leaving detox who doesn’t need residential treatment but still needs to attend a program. Finally, a PHP can be great for anyone with a dual diagnosis of mental health and substance use disorders.

Our PHP in Los Angeles, California, teaches relapse prevention and coping skills. We also help with essential life skills that often go the wayside when a person is addicted. For instance, our family therapy can help clients learn to set healthy boundaries and limits with family members.

Who Can Benefit From a PHP in Los Angeles?Woman in need of a PHP in Los Angeles

Partial hospitalization programs usually begin after the patient has finished an inpatient program. PHP is a little less intense than an inpatient or residential program. However, PHP is more intense than an outpatient program.

Our PHP in Los Angeles is great for people who need extensive care and support to stay sober. But, compared to a residential program, clients can go home in the evening. For the patient to participate in a PHP, also known as a day program, they must be stable.

If a patient needs care 24/7 days a week, this is not the right program for them. Before entering a PHP, the patient must take an assessment and give a medical and addiction history. This is so the patient can receive the care they need to recover.

What to Expect at a PHP Rehab in Los Angeles

During a PHP, a client can expect high levels of care and support. To add, this can include many methods of treatment and different types of specialists. Our PHP in Los Angeles helps clients get the best care to meet their needs in recovery.

Clients can expect the following during a PHP rehab:

  • An assessment with physical, medical, and addiction history evaluates the patient’s medical and addiction history to customize their plan in PHP.
  • On-site medical professionals are there to assist people who have physical health issues.
  • Screening for drugs and alcohol helps to hold clients accountable for their recovery goals and sobriety.
  • Personalized treatment plans individualize each program for client-centered therapies.
  • Group therapy allows people who are struggling with similar situations the chance to share their experiences and learn from each other.
  • Individual therapy offers 1-on-1 counseling to help a person work through the underlying causes of addiction.
  • Family therapy helps the whole family who is affected by addiction and other mental health issues.
  • Management of medications helps the patient take their psychiatric medications as prescribed and also helps with medications used during withdrawal.
  • Planning for discharge services helps with an aftercare plan, which might include stepping down to an intensive outpatient program (IOP).
  • Alternative therapies or holistic treatments help a person in recovery learn new ways to manage their stressors and triggers.

Types of Alternative Therapy in a Partial Hospitalization Program

Alternative therapy can help to supplement traditional types of treatment. Most often, clients take part in group or individual therapy. However, a person can enhance their treatment outcomes with other forms of therapy during PHP in Los Angeles.

Examples of the types of therapy offered a PHP include:

  • Art and music therapy uses creative arts for the client to express themselves creatively. This can help clients who struggle to find the words to express their emotions.
  • Exercise is a way to release natural endorphins to help people to feel good. Any type of physical activity can also be a great coping skill when a person feels triggered or needs to relieve stress.
  • Meditation is also used during PHP to teach clients how to relax and “live in the moment.”
  • Nutritional instruction helps clients keep their bodies healthy and functioning at optimal levels. As a result of addiction, many clients have developed unhealthy eating habits.
  • Equine therapy is a type of animal-assisted therapy that involves horses. Clients care for the animals while getting exercise and learning new skills.
  • Massage therapy relieves the aches and pains associated with withdrawal symptoms. Massage also offers a healing touch, which many people find therapeutic.
  • Deep breathing teaches clients to relax using breathing techniques. These are excellent skills that can help a person deal with cravings, triggers, and stress.

Of course, each PHP offers something different. However, clients should try some of these therapies. They can, in turn, have more tools to deal with mental health issues and addiction.

The Difference Between Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient

In addition to PHP, intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are a similar type of treatment. However, these programs have a few key differences. First, an IOP offers a more flexible schedule than a PHP. Generally, an IOP occurs during the evening hours.

IOP also lasts only a few hours for each session for only a few days per week. On the other hand, PHP in Los Angeles provides a client with a lot more time in treatment. This can benefit those new to recovery or who need help building their lives back after addiction.

Next, a PHP has a higher level of intensity during treatment. In other words, clients have much more programming which can include life skills training, therapy, and group sessions. An IOP might offer less in terms of life skills and groups, as most people in IOP are fairly independent.

Many people in IOP have completed a PHP. This means that they are stepping down from a higher level of care to a lower one. Thus, an IOP has less intensive support. Lastly, most people in IOP have obligations that make PHP difficult to attend.

For example, a client in IOP might be in school and is not free for treatment in the daytime. PHP is ideal for a person who can devote the time that they need for treatment. Of course, each person should consider PHP after inpatient rehab as a way of transitioning gradually through recovery.

Begin PHP in Los Angeles, CA Today

After a residential rehab program, you might need additional programming and support. Sometimes, you are ready to return home, yet you still need to spend large amounts of time in treatment. Our PHP rehab in Los Angeles, California, is perfect for those just leaving a residential program.

You can transition back home or get your life back together in a sober living home while attending PHP. Contact LA Detox today to learn more.