Can My Humana Insurance Policy Cover Addiction Treatment?

Humana is one of the largest health insurance providers in the country, serving over 13 million Americans on a daily basis. Since Humana is so large, they are able to provide a wide range of services to their customers, including the ability to enter treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and be able to pay for it using the necessary resources and benefits.  

Depending on the Humana insurance plan that you have, you may be eligible for various treatment programs that we offer at little to no cost to you. Some of these programs that we offer at LA Detox and may be covered by your Humana policy include:

  • Inpatient and Outpatient treatment
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Detoxification
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Continuing care programs humana insurance

This page will address any other questions or concerns you may have as it pertains to your Humana Insurance plan and addiction treatment.

What Does My Humana Insurance Plan Cover?

While addiction affects millions of Americans, treatment is unique for every person. Sure, many people might be addicted to the same substances or have the same combination of issues that need to be treated, but there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all treatment plan. 

We are all unique and different and, as a result, our treatment plans need to be custom-made to fit us and our needs. What works for one person might not work for another. 

Humana understands this, which is why they cover a wide variety of addictions and the treatments that are needed to address them. Not only that, but they have a special section of their policy that focuses directly on addiction and health care. 

Humana Behavioral Health is a subsidiary of Humana that focuses solely on drug and alcohol treatment as well as mental health conditions. The services offered by Humana Behavioral Health include:

  • 24/7 customer service
  • Access to all in-network providers
  • Treatment coordination
  • Complete confidentiality in compliance with state and federal laws
  • Advocacy on behalf of customers when dealing with providers
  • Case management in cases of multiple hospitalizations and behavioral health needs that require frequent or ongoing assistance

Depending on the Humana plan that you have, your treatment might be covered at little to no cost to you through Humana Behavioral Health. If you aren’t sure what is covered with your policy you can either reach out to your representative at Humana, or you can also get in contact with us at LA Detox. 

We will take a look at your Humana policy and let you know what is and isn’t covered as well as let you know if there will be any out-of-pocket expenses on your end. 

Will My Humana Policy Cover My Detox Treatment?

Detox is a crucial first step in the recovery process. Before you can truly treat your addiction you first need to rid those substances from your body so it can learn to live without them again. In order to do this, you will need to undergo detoxification. 

Due to the fact that detox treatment can take days or even weeks to complete it is very important that it is done under medical supervision. Detox can be done at either a medical facility that offers detox services, a dedicated detox facility like LA Detox, or a treatment facility that offers detox treatment. 

Regardless of where you undergo detox treatment, it is imperative that it is done somewhere that offers 24-hour medical supervision. Self-detoxing can be incredibly dangerous or even life-threatening.

If you have a Humana insurance policy then you can undergo detox treatment and little to no cost to you. In fact, some Humana policies cover detox in full!

If you have any questions about your Humana policy as it pertains to detox, or aren’t sure how much it will cover, we are here to help. We will take a look at your policy and see what is and isn’t covered. 

Additionally, we will let you know if there will be any out-of-pocket expenses on your end before you enter treatment so there are no surprises. We want to make sure that you can focus on getting the help you need and we will take care of the rest.

What Kind of Treatment Programs Does Humana Cover?

After detox has been successfully completed, the next step is to enter a treatment program. The two most common treatment programs that people enter are inpatient and outpatient treatment.

Inpatient Treatment

Also known as residential treatment, inpatient treatment is performed at a dedicated facility where a patient with more intense forms of addiction and mental illness will live for the duration of their treatment. Inpatient treatment is the preferred treatment option by professionals because it allows the patient to go through treatment while under around the clock care and supervision. 

It also allows the patient easy access to a variety of different therapies including individual and group sessions. By living at the facility, it eliminates the risk of relapse occurring during treatment since there are no outside distractions or temptations.

Outpatient Treatment

While inpatient treatment is the preferred treatment method for most treatment professionals, it is just simply not feasible for everyone. Some people simply can’t live in a treatment facility for weeks or months while undergoing treatment. Some people, for one reason or another, can’t just abandon their daily commitments for that long. Additionally, there are some people whose addiction isn’t bad enough to warrant a need for inpatient treatment. For all those people, outpatient treatment is a great option.

While outpatient treatment involves many of the same components as residential treatment, such as a heavy reliance on therapy, the major difference is that you don’t live at the facility while undergoing treatment. 

One of the benefits of outpatient treatment for those that choose that option is that they go to the facility during the day to go to their therapy sessions as well as other parts of your treatment and then go home. Because there is no housing involved with outpatient treatment, the cost tends to be significantly less than inpatient.

Most Humana plans cover both inpatient and outpatient treatment. This allows us to provide you with the treatment option that works best for you and your schedule. If you aren’t sure which treatment option is best for you, or if you want to make sure you can afford treatment, contact us today. We will take a look at your Humana policy and let you know if there will be any out of pocket expenses and how much they will be.

What Other Types of Services Does Humana Cover?

Not every one that undergoes treatment suffers from just a drug or alcohol addiction. Mental health issues are commonly associated with substance abuse. In some cases, a person might turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to self-medicate for their mental health issue. 


Sometimes though, the substance addiction can result in a mental health issue developing as a result of the change in brain chemistry. No matter how it happens, when someone is suffering from both a mental health issue and a substance abuse issue it’s called a co-occurring disorder. 


Humana understands this, which is why they offer coverage for a variety of other types of issues that someone might need to address when undergoing treatment, including co-occurring disorders.


Not every treatment option is right for every person. At LA Detox we are proud to offer a variety of alternative treatment options for those patients who need more than just basic treatment. Some of the alternative treatment options that we offer to our patients include:

Humana understands that not every treatment method works for everyone. That’s why they cover many of these alternative therapy options, sometimes even in full. If you aren’t sure what your policy covers, or want to learn more about our alternative therapy options, you can reach out to us. We will answer any questions you may have and let you know what, if any, out-of-pocket expenses you might incur.

Is LA Detox an In-Network Facility?

LA Detox is proud to partner with Humana as an in-network facility. As a result, we accept all types of Humana insurance plans. If you have a Humana insurance plan and are in need of treatment, you can come to see us know that not only is your insurance accepted but that if there are any out-of-pocket expenses, that they will be lower than at an out of network facility.

Does Humana Cover Addiction Treatment?

At LA Detox, we are proud to accept Humana insurance plans. Should you have any questions about your insurance or the treatment programs that we offer, contact us today. We will answer any questions that you may have and get you on the road to recovery.