As the country struggles with a prescription drug addiction epidemic, educating yourself about drugs and their effects is crucial. Knowing the difference between an opioid vs opiate can help you identify the treatment you might need. Los Angeles opioid detox can help you begin the road to recovery and health.
Opioid vs Opiate
Doctors prescribe opioids and opiates to treat similar conditions. However, opiates are naturally occurring substances, derived from the opium poppy seed. Opioids, on the other hand, are synthetic or semi-synthetic substances that work the same way as opiates. Synthetic opioids are created chemically, while semi-synthetic opioids are the result of changes to the opiates.
Both opiates and opioids can be used to treat pain. They are also both highly addictive and often abused. In fact, according to Medline Plus, in 2016, 948,000 people admitted to using heroin, an illegal opioid. That same year, 11.5 million people said they were nonmedical narcotic pain reliever users. No matter if you are struggling with an opioid vs opiate addiction, you need to seek help at a Los Angeles opioid detox center.
Symptoms and Effects of Addiction
Opioids and opiates, even when used as prescribed, can easily lead to higher tolerance and eventually developing an addiction. Both physical and mental impairment characterizes addiction due to an increasing need for the drug. If you have tried to stop using the drug and failed and find yourself ignoring family, work and school responsibilities, you might be struggling with addiction. One of the most serious effects of addiction, whether it is an opioid vs opiate addiction, is withdrawal. Soon after you stop using the drug, you begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include insomnia, runny nose, sweating, yawning, muscle aches, anxiety, and agitation. As withdrawal continues, you might experience nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. To alleviate withdrawal symptoms, certain medications can be used during treatment at our Los Angeles opioid detox.
Opioid vs opiate users have a high risk of fatal overdose. The CDC estimates that 130 people die daily from opioid overdoses. Recognizing the signs of overdose can also mean the difference between life and death. Signs include:
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Skin that is cold, pale or turns blue
- Making sounds such as choking or gurgling
- Losing consciousness or falling asleep
- A weak or limp body
- Tiny pupils
Preventing addiction and overdose from opioid vs opiate use includes reducing exposure and misuse of opioids and ensuring better prescriptions of opioids. At an opioid detox Los Angeles provides, we focus on prevention and recovery.
Treatment Can Change Your Life
When you struggle with an opioid vs opiate addiction, you need quality treatment to help you overcome addiction. You also need the support and guidance of medical professionals such as those at our LA detox center. Through treatment, you learn to deal with stressful situations and acquire tools that can serve you to live a healthy life. Treatment at our facility includes:
- Dual diagnosis treatment
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Family therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Psychodrama
Our Los Angeles opioid detox center offers both residential and intensive outpatient programs. Our residential program offers you the opportunity for uninterrupted treatment without outside distractions. Intensive outpatient offers a strong rehab program while allowing you to meet other responsibilities, including family, school or work. In our luxury rehab program, you also benefit from a strong aftercare program that provides continuing support after formal therapy.
Choose the path towards health and recovery. Overcome your addiction and learn ways to cope with stressful situations to prevent relapse, no matter if you are struggling with opioid vs opiate addiction. Call us today at 866-932-8563 and get the help you need.