
Do I Need an Alcohol Detox Program

Alcohol is America’s number one addiction, affecting over 14 million people. It’s also the third leading cause of preventable deaths, accounting for 88 million fatalities each year. However, alcohol is also an intrinsic part of our culture. Not only is it accepted, but it’s also everywhere. It’s easy to get, it’s legal to use, and advertisers spend well over a half-billion dollars to get you to buy it. It’s an escape. It’s a rite of passage. It’s a social lubricant—sometimes, it’s hard to remember that it can be deadly. Are you asking “do I need an alcohol detox program?”

It’s easier for alcoholics to hide in plain sight than it is for other substance abusers. But the problem never gets better. As the addiction intensifies, so do the consequences: broken homes, lost jobs, financial difficulties, and on and on. Thankfully, there are numerous effective alcohol treatment programs available today. Help is never very far away.

If you’re asking yourself, “Do I need an alcohol detox program?”, you’re already on the right track. It’s almost impossible to begin the process of recovery until you’ve admitted to yourself that you have a problem. Congratulations. You’ve taken a big step. So what’s next?

Why Attend an Alcohol Detox Program?

Detoxing from alcohol is the first step in the process of recovering from your addiction. It can be achieved in a couple of ways. The most obvious is immediate abstinence, also known as going “cold turkey.” While some can and do accomplish this, it comes with significant drawbacks.

First, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be brutal—even deadly, depending on the intensity of your drinking. Among the issues you may face are:

  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Profuse sweating
  • Severe headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • Seizures

Another reason the “cold turkey” approach often fails is the lack of follow-through. There’s no plan. Meaningful sobriety isn’t a one-time event—it’s a lifetime commitment. Once you’ve stopped drinking, you’ve only begun to recover. You’ll need support to maintain an alcohol-free lifestyle. It may mean additional medical care, addiction therapy, group meetings, physical activity, new friends—it all depends on the individual. But without a comprehensive recovery plan, relapse is almost guaranteed.

Do I Need an Alcohol Detox Program?

If you have an alcohol problem, attending an alcohol detox program is the safest, most effective way for you to get your body clean. In an alcohol detox program, you will be under the constant care of a licensed medical professional who specializes in the detoxification process. This person will assess your situation and needs, then suggest the appropriate steps to take for detox.

You’ll be made comfortable and be supervised during your entire stay in the detox facility. Should withdrawal symptoms become too intense, medication will be available to help you cope with any mental or physical pain you experience. While detox isn’t a pleasant experience, a detox center can make it as comfortable as possible.

Making a Plan

Making a plan for a life of sustainable sobriety is another advantage to entering an alcohol detox program. If you asked yourself, “Do I need an alcohol detox program?” and answered, “yes,” an alcohol detox facility will likely offer you a more complete solution than you thought you needed.

As part of the detox process, you’ll meet with addiction specialists who’ll help you build a plan for a new life as a recovering alcoholic. You’ll discuss your options for post-detox care, returning to your normal life, and keeping yourself from relapse in the years ahead.

About LA Detox

At LA Detox, we understand that recovery isn’t possible alone. If you’re wondering, “Do I need an alcohol detox program?”, we can give you the answers you need. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an alcohol problem, we can help. To learn more about our programs, including detox, please call [Direct].


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