pill bottle spilling full and crushed up pills and answering what is carfentanil

What is Carfentanil?

You have heard of opiates, you have heard of heroin, you may have heard of fentanyl, but what is carfentanil? Carfentanil is a synthetic opiate that is intended for use in huge animals only. It is considered so dangerous today because it is killing people. People are buying carfentanil and thinking that it is heroin.…

a man recognizing the signs of a functioning alcoholic

Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

When people hear the term alcoholic, we automatically assume that it is an individual who has hit rock bottom and has become homeless due to alcohol abuse. While that stereotype may be accurate, not all people with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) are unable to function normally in society. This is known as being a…

young woman beginning to experience benzo withdrawal symptoms

Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

Doctors often prescribe benzodiazepines to treat anxiety, stress, panic and sleep disorders. However, you can quickly build up a tolerance to these substances. If you try to quit, you might also experience benzo withdrawal symptoms. Whether you were taking benzos as prescribed or misusing them, withdrawal can significantly impact your life. At a benzo detox…

an example of pills next to water as someone wonders the difference between opioid vs opiate

Opioid Vs Opiate

As the country struggles with a prescription drug addiction epidemic, educating yourself about drugs and their effects is crucial. Knowing the difference between an opioid vs opiate can help you identify the treatment you might need. Los Angeles opioid detox can help you begin the road to recovery and health. Opioid vs Opiate Doctors prescribe…

Does Medicaid Cover Substance Abuse Treatment

Paying for drug rehab with Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare can help pay for detox, addiction medications, and inpatient treatment centers. What Are Medicaid and Medicare? Medicaid and Medicare are state-funded health insurance plans. These insurance plans can provide free or low-cost drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Each plan has different stipulations for eligibility.…