LGBT Friendly Drug Rehab Los Angeles

two women in the lgbt friendly drug rehab los angeles provides

If you identify with the LGBT community, you experience a greater likelihood of addiction than others not in your community. In fact, your risk is twice as high for these problems. With such great risk and frequency of people in your life to suffer substance use disorder, you can benefit from a quality LGBT friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles.

Moreover, the LGBT friendly addiction treatment programs available will help you understand your life journey, embrace it, and enable you to get to the root of your addiction.

For your best chance at lasting recovery, you need help for these root causes and other problems you suffer. To get to that recovery, you need people around you who support you in your life choices and empower you to embrace your life on your own terms.

Learn about the drug and alcohol rehab center at LA Detox and how their available programs are a significant first step to help without stigma, discrimination, or rejection. Call us today at (323) 746-1332.

Asking for Addiction Help as an LGTB Person

Asking for help with addiction keeps many people from getting the rehab treatment they need. However, for the LGBT community, this stagnation in addiction is worse. You already suffer hurdles for your true identity and find yourself hiding aspects of your life to just “fit in.” You should not experience these problems when you need help for recovery.

Finding an LGBT friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles opens you to a brighter future. Furthermore, know you can get the help you need with freedom from judgment or discrimination. These programs mean more than help. They provide safety, confidentiality, and openness to help you heal fully and gain a better life.

The client-therapist relationship provides a good example of why you need acceptance through an LGBT friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles. Without trust between you and your therapist, you don’t experience the open dialogue you need to heal the root causes of your addiction.

What Does an LGBT Friendly Drug Rehab in Los Angeles Offer Clients?

This type of rehab provides help and support for your journey from addiction to a healthy recovery. Moreover, healthy recovery includes wellness on all levels of your being: body, mind, and spirit. Most of this recovery takes place in a therapy setting. Additionally, therapies help you understand yourself, the addiction, any co-occurring mental conditions, and how to prevent relapse.

For example, programs through LA Detox include:

Most importantly, our staff understands the unique stress you experience as a member of the LGBT community. In fact, staff members receive specific training for greater understanding and compassion for your needs. Through these components of quality rehab care, you know you gain full acceptance without any judgment or discrimination. Therefore, instead of struggling with problems you should never have to face in the medical community, you focus on recovery.

Your program at LA Detox goes above and beyond your addiction to help you cope with the root causes of your substance abuse. For example, these risk factors often include homophobia, family rejection, and discrimination.

Begin Our LGBT Friendly Rehab in Los Angeles, CA

Your LGBT-friendly drug recovery begins for you as it does for anyone else. That is, you first go through detox under medical supervision, if necessary. Next, your residential program starts. That is where you gain the therapies you need while learning about your substance abuse, addiction, and co-occurring conditions.

In fact, your recovery program is cost-effective due to its structured, yet outpatient basis. You gain highly individualized treatment among peers in recovery and through multiple therapies.

You deserve the best possible treatment, no matter your private or open LGBT orientation. Therefore, contact LA Detox now to learn more about the LGBT friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles.